What is the most effective method of penis enlargement at home? Is it possible to enlarge the penis at home? Similar questions are asked by men who are not willing to go to the operating table in order to solve their problem with the help of an expensive ligamentotomy.
Fortunately, there are many ways to enlarge your penis at home that will not only save you money but also save you time. However, each such method may contain not only the plus but also the minus, to which attention should be paid.
Penis enlargement with massage techniques
The jelqing method of home penis enlargement is less costly financially. However, this will have to sacrifice time, as the elongation of the male genitalia with regular exercise is quite slow. However, during a year of perseverance, you can achieve an increase in the form of an extra three centimeters. At the same time, it is important to adhere to the recommended course, respecting the frequency of exercises performed, which more closely resemble the milking process.
With the right approach, not only the length of the penis will start to increase, but also the thickness. However, the first tangible results can be noticed a few months after the start of the course. Therefore, many men refuse to use jelqing.
It should be noted that massage techniques have a positive effect on strength, as such exercises improve blood flow to the tissues of the genital organ. However, jelqing can be accompanied by negative aspects. A man risks experiencing skin damage, hematoma, risks of penile curvature during erection.
To minimize the risk of microtrauma, it is recommended to give preference to wet gel. The use of moisturizing creams with a regenerating effect promotes rapid regeneration of penile tissue, thus avoiding long breaks between workouts.
Traditional methods of penis enlargement

One can argue for a long time about the effectiveness of decoctions, infusions, wonderful folk oils. However, as practice shows, they can be useful. However, we are talking about a complex solution to the problem when a man uses several methods at the same time. The fact is that the use of folk recipes based on plants that affect the strength, blood flow to the pelvic area, the production of the male hormone testosterone, allows you to prepare a favorable environment for increasing the parameters of the penis.
To change the size of the male organ, proponents of traditional medicine recommend the use of tinctures of ginkgo biloba, garlic, ginseng, thyme-based tea and various essential oils. Such an herbal remedy can establish a man's sexual health on his feet and normalize the functionality of the body as a whole. However, do not forget about individual intolerance. Therefore, before taking this or that medicine, you should make sure that there are no contraindications.
Another home method of penis enlargement is the use of baking soda. On the basis of this white food powder, baths, compresses, oils are made. However, the use of baking soda may be accompanied by a burning sensation. There is also a high probability of skin damage from powder crystals when using oils.
Using Penis Enlargers and Pendants
Extensions were originally created to combat penile curvature. However, in the process of using them, it turned out that the attractive force helps to lengthen the penis. Therefore, over time, they began to be used for completely different purposes.

Unfortunately, the results of their use do not appear quickly. To achieve the effect, men have to wear these devices for months. At the same time, you have to spend about 6 hours a day, which makes many men abandon such a venture.
Hanging a penis with weights is another method of penis enlargement at home that can be called aggressive. The fact is that the change in the length of the male organ occurs due to the load in the form of several kilograms. Such exercises, accompanied by uncomfortable sensations, can easily damage the tissues of the penis and disrupt blood flow to it. If the exercises are performed incorrectly, you may encounter scarring of internal injuries, which will lead to the opposite effect - compression of the phallus.
Hydro and vacuum pumps for penis enlargement
Ways to enlarge your penis at home include using vacuum pumps. This method of penis enlargement is actively recommended to those men who want not only to lengthen their genitals, but also to make it wider. However, with prolonged skin interaction with the low pressure area, edema, swelling, subcutaneous hemorrhage appear. Excessive use of the device increases the risk of blood clots, so it is important to adhere to the rules for using a vacuum pump for penis enlargement.
Pumps developed a hydraulic pump to reduce the risk of skin damage. From the name it becomes clear that here the low-pressure area is replaced with water, thus reducing the likelihood of getting subcutaneous bleeding, swelling, edema. At the same time, thanks to the hydraulic pump, time is significantly saved in terms of training, when compared to vacuum models. One of the disadvantages is the price, as, as you know, you have to pay for comfort. You will have to pay several hundred dollars to buy a quality device.
Creams, gels, spray for penile enlargement

Special attention should be paid to gels, sprays and creams for penis enlargement. Products made on a natural basis allow you to feel the first results in the shortest time. Thanks to the active formula, they help not only to affect the size of the penis due to the improved filling of the cavernous bodies, but also significantly increase strength, make an erection stone and reduce the risk of developing diseases of the genitourinary system.
it is enough to devote about 15 minutes to your problem per day, which saves a lot of time. You can use such creams, gels, sprays just before intercourse, which improves their effect. Therefore, it is not surprising that this home method of penis enlargement is very popular and competes successfully with other methods.
As already mentioned, penis enlargement creams contain only natural ingredients, so they are not addictive and do not harm health. For best effect, men who have achieved impressive results recommend combining the use of the gel with massage techniques, which allows you to achieve a good result in a relatively short period of time.